Dan, finally finished the 38-55, sent some photo's, thanks for the help. Are you interested [...]
204 Ruger
Hello Dan, We received the .204 Ruger late morning Oct. 7 and it was [...]
7mag – Charles “Rugger” Cotten
I have to admit that I was very nervous about sending you my beloved 7mag. [...]
New Zealand Pictures
Gentlemen, got back yesterday from NZ. The .365 Siemens worked great. The goat was the [...]
SavageShooters.com Post
This comes to us from TTH of SavageShooters.com Forum. This was a 260 Remington @ [...]
Clearwater Custom Rifles
I just wanted to drop you a quick line to let you know how pleased [...]
Great Southern Gunworks
Parish Davis of Great Southern Gunworks built this beautiful tack-driving rifle with a McGowen Precision [...]
6.5/06 at 200 Yards
Here is the pic of the test target. Thank you VERY much for the great [...]
275lb Bear
Here's our very own Curt, one of our gunsmiths, showing off his 275 lb bear [...]
Pdog06 – Savage Shooter Post
Everyone has been asking how well these McGowens shoot, even me, so I finally got [...]
Nice Groupings
McGowen Precision Barrels is gaining popularity due to great success from benchrest shooters. Here is [...]