Order Full Custom Barrels – Now Even Easier!
We have turned on our Full Custom Barrel Builder! Before, full custom orders required a [...]
WY-SHOT – 1st Place McGowen 22RF
I want to extend a sincere thank you to the folks at McGowen barrel. I [...]
RifleShooter.com : McGowen Remage Installation & Test
RifleShooter.com did an article on installing a McGowen Remage barrel and subsequent review. Check It [...]
Launching Soon: TheBarrelOutlet.com
Our partner site www.TheBarrelOutlet.com will be launching soon. It is going to replace the McGowen [...]
We’ve Added 2 New Calibers! .577 & 5.45 Cal
Just added to our available calibers. We are in the process of adding them to [...]
Dave Shelton’s 243 Winchester
Here is what the rig looks like, and here is what a fly looks like [...]
Brian Guthrie’s 6.5 x 284
Hey Dan, It's been quite some time since I got my barrel back, I doubt [...]
Dimitri’s Mosin Nagant
Hi.You guys rebarreled my Mosin, I wanted to share the results but unfortunately you don’t [...]
Gregory Key’s 6.5 x 300 WSM
Dan, I just wanted to thank you for another excellent barrel! I installed it this [...]
Howard Johnsons 300 Blackout
Thought I'd show you the results from the barrel you made for me. Powder coated [...]
Joseph Stumpf’s AR10
AR10 project finally all done, over a year invested. Mounted on AR10 is a 6.5 [...]
Up In Arms 408 Cheytac
Dan, As you can see, this sale took place over a year ago. On the [...]