McGowen Ruger M77 Precision Barrels

We also offer Pre-Fit barrels for the Ruger M77 and M77 Mk II. We do not make pre-fits for ANY lever action including Winchester, Marlin, Ruger #1 or #3, Savage 99’s. etc.

As with the Winchester Model 70 pre-fits, you are limited on the pre-fit by the rim diameter and length of the original cartridge your rifle was chambered in. If you have a 308 Winchester you’ll need to stick to something with a .473″ rim diameter and the length of a 308 Winchester.

We offer a variety of configurations on the pre-fit barrels including length, contour, chambering, twist, material, finish and crown. The only limiting factor is your imagination.

As with the Winchester Model 70 pre-fits, we do not offer a lock nut system for these rifles. The pre-fit barrel will come with a shoulder and should be installed by a qualified gunsmith to properly set your head space.

Accuracy Systems

Mini-14 & Mini 30 Rifles

We DO NOT make pre-fit barrels for the Mini-14 or the Mini-30 rifles. If you need a barrel for that rifle please contact Accuracy Systems.
Accuracy Systems

Ruger Prefit Barrel Pricing

Starting Price

  • Up to 26″ Length. Base Pricing

Matte Finish

  • Standard Barrels feature a polished finish.

Additional Length

  • For barrels exceeding 26 Inches. 

Shop Our Available Ruger Prefits

To order a Ruger Pre-fit barrel you can choose one that is currently available in pre-fit inventory, create your custom barrel, or give us a call or email with what you are looking for and we’ll help you with your new, custom Ruger Pre-Fit barrel.